Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 4 and day 5

Florence was madness, into greatness! But this internet thing has been a bit of a problem, I would love to update more than just pictures, but it may be late today, or early tomorrow. Lots to tell stay tuned! Check the more photos button to the right.. Thanks for the great comments, except you JOE Connoly! FACE! The rest of Nigro family messages will be passed along, thanks for following! I hope everything is great back home.


Erin said...

So glad the luggage issue has been resolved! Looks amazing so I expected anything less of Italy right?! I SO have the "bug" right now! Divertirsi!

Unknown said...

I love the pictures and the blog. All is well here same old same old, but that is fine. The NH liquor store is having a 15% off sale on Italian wines through Sept. 27th. I'm still jealous, but will start planning a trip to Italy.

joe said...

Good one mike, I just need to make fun because I am jealous and miss you. It all sounds wonderful. I am very impressed with your writing skills also you paint a very good picture keep it up

Heisenberg@87125 said...

Hi Mike,
Give up on good Pizza (it's not really Italian it actually originated by The Greeks, of course), They gave the flatbread and tomatoes to the peasants for food when they went there).
Can't wait for the pics from Tuscany.

I haven't seen the postcard yet???


freshdb said...

Looks awesome, Mike. Great pics and commentary, totally jealous!
